This year we became a family of FIVE! John and I are officially outnumbered. Emma Jayne entered our life at 10:49am on October 30th, 2007. After about 5 hours of labor I delivered Emma without any drugs. This is the second birth without drugs and I still can't believe that I am alive. She is a cute little girl and we think that she has daddy's chin and mommy's eyes. This could change, but she has reddish brown hair! I hope this stays! I have always wanted a girl with John's hair. I can't wait for it to grow! The first few weeks with Emma were a transition. She likes to be held and cuddled, so we had to work on getting her to calm herself to sleep. Now at 6 weeks she is sleeping all night long. She will go about 10 hours at night! I hope this lasts. She is still very little, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. I had a melt down two weeks ago. John was the recipient! Sorry honey! God must have known that I needed to sleep through the night again. Thank you Lord for putting your hand on Emma. I am a happier mom now! It's so fun to have PINK in the house. I love it! A girl is fun to dress. She has two Christmas dress and has worn them every other week to church this December. She has looked so cute. Ok, I will move on. We are so blessed now to have boys and a girl. We have always wanted to have one of each. God is so good!
Ean, our first born, still is in love with all the "Cars" movie diecast cars. He likes going to Wal-mart and Target to look at them. We keep collecting them and thier stocking will be full with them again this year. Physically Ean has become a little boy. He is very lean and slender. All of his baby look is gone and he looks just like his dad. Aunt Jen can't believe the similarities. He also loves his dad to death. The other day he told me that Evan and I could leave and he would stay at home with HIS dad. I am glad that he favors his dad. He needs a male figure to watch and John is a wonderful one. We are still working on being nice to our brother. They are playing better together, but we have our moments. He has become very independent. He likes to do everything for himself. Keep us in your prayers as we raise a strong willed first born. This summer he took off on his bike. We can't keep up when we take walks. He used water wings in the pool this summer. He liked being able to "swim" by himself.
Evan is still our boy who loves to be hugged! He carries around his burp rag for comfort and his thumb still makes it into his mouth. Every morning he asks for "chocit juice, mommy?". Thank you dad. Chocolate milk is his favorite food. Yes, food. Physically he still has that baby/toddler look that mommy loves. He is a solid thick boy. He may be our football player! We may have an Uncle Joe in our future! Evan does follow Ean around and plays with what Ean plays with. He has become attached to a couple of "Hot-Wheels" cars, so that is different from his brother. He surprised mom and dad and at the aquatic center this summer by going down the toddler water slide all by himself. He is a little more outgoing than his brother.  As he grows it will be fun to see what he has intrest in. Right now being guided by his brother seems to take up a lot of his time.
Both boys were wonderful at welcoming their new baby sister. Hugs and kisses are always being given. We hope that Emma's eyesite comes in good, because they get right in her face all the time! She is a great trooper and most of their poks and pushes don't bother her at all. The first week home Ean said, "I love my new baby sister", "Emma, I love her." Evan calls her "baby" most of the time. "mema" has come out a few times. We are also working on getting him to say "Jen". Aunt Jen has been called Grandma a few times. I don't know if she likes that!
As John and I continue to both work and raise three kids, we just talked about how blessed we really are. We are very thankful for the family that the Lord has given us. We want to send everyone a Merry Chirstmas and Happy New Year! And lets remember the ture meaning of the season. Ean's Bible Buddies verse says is best: "Today... a Savior has been born... He is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11.
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