I've been in Orlando Florida this week at a conference. I've been attending about six, hour and a half, classes each day. I'm learning a lot, but I'm getting really tired! [so why in the world am I up so late writing in this blog?!!]
ACS is the software my church uses to manage information about our congregation and bookkeeping stuff. They also have other products I've been learning about this week that might be a benefit for us to start using in the future. The system has a lot of different modules and features to help churches manage information. The biggest challange most users of the software face is integrating the whole system as a church.
While in town, I've had dinner with Derrick a couple times. He has been living in Florida now for 5 years after moving from Des Moines. It has been great having the chance to hang out with him. [He's also saved me a bunch of money by picking me up from the airport and driving me around town.]
Oh yea, I forgot. I stayed my first two nights in Orlando at the
Disney Dolphin Resort. Dolphin was entirely booked for my last night in Orlando so right now I'm at another Disney resort (
Port Orleans Riverside). Yeah, I took the boat ride to downtown Disney today/yesterday. It was busy. I'm not much into buying stuff but if you are... downtown Disney is the place for you to visit with a huge pocket of money.
I saw
Mickey Mouse on Tuesday morning at the Dolphin resort. I was sitting at my table in the convention room and Mickey walked by and patted me on the shoulders. He wasn't very talkative, but I know he was very glad to meet me. :) I didn't have a camera with me so I don't have any photos to remember the occasion.
Well, I've got a class to attend in about 5 hours so I better go. I got a long day ahead of me. Hopefully, I don't miss my flight back to Des Moines tonight and get back safely. It would be terrible to be stuck in Florida for another day or two.