Friday, July 11, 2008

2008 Report of the Committee on Platform

I don't think many people have ever seen or read the Republican Platform of Iowa. When I first saw it several months ago at our Polk County Convention I couldn't believe how conservative the platform actually was. There is a lot to this platform and tomorrow at the 2008 Iowa GOP State Convention it may be modified. I'm going to look for the Democrat Platform of Iowa sometime to compare the two. Update: Democrat Draft Platform
With trust in God, and in fidelity to generations past and generations to come, we respectfully submit this platform to the State Convention.


As Republicans we continue to uphold the principles of individual responsibility and liberty, adherence to traditional moral standards, a strong national defense, a free enterprise system, and respect for the sanctity of human life. We believe in retaining the original intent of our Founding Fathers as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. We believe high moral character is a necessity of public servants. The highest standard of character should be embodied in both private and public life. We encourage the proliferation of these principles and their passage to future generations.


1. A Right to Life We believe life, from conception to natural death, is a sacred gift from the Creator and thus is an inalienable right as outlined in the Declaration of Independence. Therefore:

1.1. We affirm that every innocent person, including the unborn child, has the God-given and Constitutional right to life beginning at conception and ending at natural death

1.2. We reaffirm our support for an amendment to the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Iowa that protects innocent human life from conception to natural death.

1.3. We oppose using public revenues to fund abortions or organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, which advocate abortion.

1.4. We commend those who provide alternatives to abortion by meeting the needs of mothers and offering adoption services. We furthermore support their right to perform the services in a manner that does not violate their values.

1.5. We support a Woman's Right to Know Law whereby performers of abortions must provide complete factual information to the pregnant woman about the complications of abortion, the biological development of the unborn, fetal pain, and the availability of alternatives to abortion.

1.6. We support legislation requiring that upon completion of informed consent as outlined in Woman's Right to Know Law there shall be a three (3) day waiting period before any abortion services can be provided.

1.7. We support legislation requiring consent by a parent and/or legal guardian before a minor child receives an abortion or any other reproductive services and products. Such law should require proof of identity of the parent in order to protect children from continued abuse by sexual predators who pretend to be the parent taking their child for an abortion.

1.8. We support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade.

1.9. We support the use of non-embryonic stem cells to advance modern medical research. We oppose somatic cell nuclear transfer (human cloning), embryonic stem cell research, human fetal-tissue research from induced abortions, and the commercial use or sale of fetal parts.

1.10. We strongly urge that the 2002 Human Cloning Ban, which was repealed in the 2007 Iowa Legislature, be reinstated.

1.11. We believe euthanasia, assisted suicide, and infanticide are murder.

1.12. We support the ban of partial birth abortion.

1.13. We oppose the removal, by order of a court or state agency, of fluids or nourishment from those who are either acutely or terminally ill. We believe the decision should be left to the family or conservator.

1.14. Whereas DNA evidence is allowed in our Judicial system as proof of identity, we believe that DNA proves that a fetus upon conception, has DNA separate, from his parents, identifying him as a separate individual, with all the rights endowed him by the Constitution of the United States, that among these are the right to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

1.15. We believe in conscience clause legislation so that no physician, pharmacist or other health care provider can be penalized for refusing to prescribe, dispense or participate in the procurement of abortion or anything contrary to the conscience of the health care provider.

1.16. We support the confidential statistical reporting of abortion procedures to the State Health Department by all doctors and facilities performing abortions in Iowa.

2. Agriculture

We believe that preservation of the family farm, primary producers of produce, crops and livestock, is vital to the economic condition of our communities, state and nation. Family farms should be allowed to operate as free, independent, responsible producers and not be encumbered by onerous regulations. Therefore:

2.1. We call for the abolition of the Federal Department of Agriculture, returning control back to the state and local governments.

2.2. We support limiting governmental regulations of agriculture that maintain quality products, value environmental safety, and allow for economic viability.

2.3. We believe Iowa's agricultural industry is vitally important to America's food supply, renewable fuels industry and the ability of our next generation to choose farming as a career.

2.4. We support voluntary programs at the state level that provide tax credits to install targeted conservation programs in order to achieve improved water quality in impaired watersheds.

2.5. We oppose a moratorium on new livestock farms.

2.6. We believe in state initiatives that will sustain the family farm.

2.7. We encourage the use of cost effective bio-fuels.

2.8. We oppose any and all federal agricultural subsidies. We support tax breaks and tax credits for bio-fuel technology and production.

2.9. We support local control of agricultural zoning practices.

2.10. We believe animal husbandry decisions and production practices should be decided by individual farmers, not the state or federal government.

2.11. We believe that all defendant parties (including but not limited to county governments and DNR) should be compensated by the losing complainant for all costs incurred in contesting invalid complaints relating to farming and animal feeding operations.

2.12. We believe that strict criminal and civil penalties should be imposed upon individuals or organizations that, under the guise of protection of animals, willfully destroy, vandalize or terrorize legitimate businesses, people or personal property.

2.13. We support a national policy to protect agricultural producers from unfair international market practices and that recognizes a farmer's right to form business relationships that can reduce financial risk and provide income opportunities for farm families.

2.14. We oppose the creation of a mandatory federal funding for National Premise I.D. registration and the National Animal Identification System (NAIS).

2.15. We support the Country of Origin labeling on food products.ÊAll foods imported by the United States must be held to the same standards of enforcement as those foods produced in the United States.

2.16. We oppose the filing of nuisance lawsuits by anyone who knowingly moved into areas zoned as agricultural.

2.17. We oppose efforts to impose a sin tax on all forms of red meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products.

2.18. We support bio-technical agriculture and any effort to open worldwide markets to bio-technical products.

2.19. We support increased efforts to convert and incorporate farm products into value-added products.

2.20. We support the promotion, public awareness, and tolerance for standard farming practices, increased preservation of farmland, and efforts to preserve Iowa's agriculture industry.

2.21. We support maintaining the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture as an elected office and not as an appointed one.

2.22. We support environmental practices for the Missouri and Mississippi rivers that take into account the importance of their use in shipping raw materials and agricultural commodities.

3. Business and Economic Development

We believe that less government is better government. We support every reasonable effort on the part of all governments and taxpayers to limit taxing and spending. We believe that the purpose of taxation is to fund the constitutionally mandated functions of government, not to redistribute the wealth, or to fund ever increasing social programs. We believe social problems are best handled by private groups or benevolent organizations, not by the government. We should strive to have fewer government restrictions, fewer government employees and lower taxes. Therefore:

3.1. We believe environmental problems can be solved more efficiently with innovation and technology than with more litigation and more government regulation.

3.2. We believe that free enterprise and the encouragement of individual initiative are essential to economic opportunity, growth and prosperity.

3.3. We support Iowa's Right to Work law.

3.4. We support a concerted effort that encourages the development of small businesses in Iowa.

3.5. We call for the reduction of the corporate tax rate to encourage business development and growth in Iowa.

3.6. We call for the repeal of all mandatory minimum wage laws.

3.7. We affirm the right of the employer to hire and fire as they see fit.

3.8. The United States must do more to strengthen and balance our international trade policies and ensure its presence and competitiveness in the world market. We support the continuation of free trade and insist on fair trade.

3.9. We support the 1988 Supreme Court Beck decision prohibiting workers from being required to pay any part of their union dues or agency fees for political purposes or non-bargaining activities.

3.10. We support specific, finite periods for all programs at every level of government and tying government funding to periodic program evaluation.

3.11. We support the repeal of the Davis-Bacon Act, which increases costs and reduces competition for federally financed construction.

3.12. We believe that the Federal Reserve System should be phased out and our currency then returned to the gold and/or silver standard.

3.13. We believe that landlords should have the same rights as other business owners. Non-payment of rents should be considered a theft of service.

4. Education

We believe parents, not the government, are responsible for and should be fully in charge of the education of their children. We believe that in order for our educational system to be successful, it must be accountable to the parents of the community. Therefore, parents should be afforded as many options as possible including private, home or alternative based education. We do not believe that more money ensures better education. We believe reimbursement is due families who choose non-government education since they pay taxes as well as tuition. Therefore:

4.1. We advocate choice in education and we support the parental right to choose public, private, home or alternate education for their children without government interference.

4.2. We oppose all legislation from any level of government, including ratification of international treaties that would interfere with or restrict educational choice.

4.3. We support equitable tax relief for families whose children do not attend government schools.

4.4. We support parental rights legislation stating that parents have the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children.

4.5. We believe the biblical account of Creation and the supporting scientific arguments should be presented to all students as part of a wellrounded curriculum.

4.6. We recommend that educators stress abstinence outside of marriage as the surest way to prevent pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and associated psychological problems. We oppose the distribution of condoms and other contraceptives in government schools.

4.7. We support voluntary prayer in government schools and the use of the Bible as a textbook.

4.8. We support displaying the Ten Commandments and the American flag along with the daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in its entirety in government schools and classrooms.

4.9. We propose abolishing No Child Left Behind and returning control of education back to local communities.

4.10. We reject the mandate that there be a core curriculum enforced on all education systems.

4.11. We call for the abolition of the Federal Department of Education, and the removal of this position from the Cabinet. In addition, we support downsizing the Iowa Department of Education. We believe that control of education should be left to the parents, teachers and local school boards.

4.12. We believe that teachers' salaries should be based on performance rather than solely on tenure. We support programs that reward superior teachers and outline procedures to remove ineffective educators.

4.13. We oppose compulsory preschool and any proposal to change the age at which children are required to attend school.

4.14. We recommend that local school boards require all high school students to take a course in personal finance with emphasis on personal debt, savings and investments.

4.15. We oppose the promotion of homosexual life styles in government schools.

4.16. We oppose the teaching of sex education in any form, at any grade level without written parental consent.

4.17. We believe the goal of education is the development of knowledgeable and responsible individuals; therefore, we are committed to excellence in undergraduate education, and call for a priority emphasis on systematic intensive phonics, reading, writing, spelling, mathematics, objective science, and the true history of the United States of America.

4.18. We support English as the official language in the government education system.

4.19. We recommend that tax-funded libraries include creation science and religious texts and materials.

4.20. We support criminal background checks and periodic drug testing for teachers, administrators, staff and volunteers in government schools

4.21. We believe in equal access to payroll deduction for other government school collective bargaining units, such as Professional Educators of Iowa.

4.22. We believe government school textbooks, curriculum and guest speaker agendas must be made available to anyone requesting this information. Parents should have the right to have their children opt out of any special event or non-core class without negative impact on their child's class or academic standing.

4.23. We believe government schools and public libraries must control access to objectionable content (print, audio, or video) by minors in keeping with acceptable community standards.

4.24. We support fast-track teacher certification to allow competent professionals to teach in our schools.

4.25. We believe educators at all levels should be required to have comprehensive communication skills in English.

4.26. We support adding knowledge of illegal immigration status to the mandatory reporting requirements for educators at all levels.

5. Energy and Transportation

We believe a dependable, accessible and affordable supply of energy is essential to the economic strength and security of the United States. We believe access to an adequate transportation infrastructure is necessary for a free market economy to succeed. Therefore:

5.1. We support the goal of energy independence within the United States.

5.2. We support the development and production of domestic renewable fuels.

5.3. We support tax incentives to stimulate private research for alternative fuels.

5.4. We support exploration and drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and the outer continental shelf.

5.5. We believe that, with appropriate safeguards to protect the environment, exploration for and utilization of oil in Alaska, the balance of the United States and offshore should be supported and encouraged rather than impeded or prevented in order to reduce our dependence on foreign source oil.

5.6. We support the deregulation of the building and operation of oil refineries to encourage expansion to meet our needs.

5.7. We support giving tax credits to homeowners and builders who incorporate alternative energy sources in their homes.

5.8. We support improving the rail system to meet the increasing need to move products, materials and passengers at a more efficient cost.

5.9. We support reasonable deregulation and expansion of nuclear energy.

5.10. We support the continued use and expansion of coal as a source of energy.

5.11. We call for the abolition of the Federal Department of Energy, returning the control to the state and local governments as it was prior to the Carter administration.

5.12. We oppose foreign ownership or control of toll roads, highways, public access roads or harbors.

5.13. We oppose the conversion of any existing Iowa interstates, highways and thoroughfares into toll roads.

6. Family Values

In keeping with the reality that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, and that our nation's foundation and subsequent blessings flow from adherence to and respect for the Judeo-Christian ethic, we affirm the following:

6.1. Traditional, marriage-based (one male and one female) families are intrinsically procreative and thereby essential to a stable, thriving, and lasting civilization. Therefore, public policy must always be pro-family, encouraging marital and family commitment, while also supporting parental rights and responsibilities.

6.2. We support an amendment to the Iowa Constitution stating that To secure and preserve the benefits of marriage for our society and for future generations of children, marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state.

6.3. We support an amendment to the United States Constitution stating that Only marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized in the United States, and that neither the Federal government, any state government, or the political subdivisions thereof may create or recognize a legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage for unmarried individuals.

6.4. We encourage adoption of children by heterosexual married couples consisting of one man and one woman.

6.5. We oppose adoption by samesex couples.

6.6. We believe access to sexually explicit material, especially on the Internet, poses a serious threat to our families and children. Therefore we must strengthen and enforce our laws to protect our families and children.

6.7. We believe in the sanctity of marriage and call upon the Iowa Legislature to rescind no-fault divorce laws.

6.8. We believe that parents are responsible for their children and we support the rights of parents to discipline and protect their children.

6.9. We uphold the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, with references to the Creator as presently written, and believe that it is constitutional and does not violate separation of Church and State, but ensures freedom of religion and not from religion.

6.10. We oppose any law, ordinance or policy that would approve the practice of homosexuality.

6.11. We strongly oppose the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

6.12. We call for the repeal of sexual orientation in the Iowa Civil Rights Code and we oppose any other legislation or executive order granting rights, privileges, or status for persons based on sexual orientation.

6.13. We believe the father of a child, born or unborn, has the same rights and responsibilities as the mother in all matters regarding the child.

7. Government

We believe the primary purpose of government is to protect the inalienable rights of life and liberty and, beyond its constitutional functions, there is nothing that can be done by government as efficiently as it is done by the people of this great Republic. We believe the people have the ability, the dignity and the right to make their own decisions and to determine their own destiny without encumbrance or interference from government. We call for a return to limited government at federal, state and local levels, allowing for maximum personal and economic freedom. Therefore:

7.1. We call for a dramatic reduction to the size and scope of government at all levels. We believe the federal government should be strictly limited to the eighteen enumerated powers in the United States Constitution and that all others should be left to the States and to the people in accordance with the Tenth Amendment.

7.2. We strongly oppose judicial legislation and call upon judges at all levels to adhere, strictly, to the original intent of the United States Constitution and their respective state constitutions. We further support the use of constitutional impeachment processes to remove those judges who do not uphold the United States Constitution or their respective state constitutions.

7.3. We call for the appointment of strict constructionist judges to the Supreme Court.

7.4. We call for the replacement of the current Social Security System with a new private and voluntary retirement investment program.

7.5. We support line item veto authority for the President of the United States.

7.6. We oppose government ownership of any gambling facility or activity including lotteries.

7.7. We believe In God We Trust should be on the face of all United States currency and coin.

7.8. We believe before voting on a bill, congressman and senators must first have a working knowledge of the full bill.

7.9. We believe candidates running as Republicans for any local or state office should be required to complete and return to the Republican Party of Iowa a signed questionnaire indicating whether the candidate agrees, Cont. from page 5 disagrees or is undecided about each plank of the current party platform.

7.10. We call for the repeal of the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Act.

7.11. We support the First Amendment rights of ministers and clergy. We oppose the civil and criminal prosecution of ministers exercising their First Amendment rights.

7.12. We support the repeal of the same day voter registration for all local, state, and federal elections.

7.13. We support proof of citizenship and residency as requirements for voter registration. We believe voters should be required to present a valid, State of Iowa approved picture I.D. before voting.

7.14. We oppose one world government and all world government imposed bodies.

7.15. We oppose foreign interests employing lobbyists to solicit the Congress or the President of the United States.

7.16. We call on our courts to interpret and apply the First Amendment as the framers intended. The First Amendment prohibits the establishment of a state religion and permits the exercise of religious freedom. Neither the courts nor government agencies should misuse or misunderstand the First Amendment so as to create a barrier to the free voluntary expression of religious belief.

7.17. We oppose statehood for the District of Columbia.

7.18. We believe prayer in public institutions should not be prohibited.

7.19. We believe that voluntary prayer shall be allowed on all public property.

7.20. We believe the Supreme Court should reject all foreign amicus briefs seeking to influence American law; should ignore foreign constitutions and laws in interpreting American law and the United States Constitution; should cease citing foreign court rulings for precedence when interpreting American law; and should protect our sovereignty.

7.21. We call for an end to all forms of affirmative action.

7.22. We believe the State of Iowa should immediately discontinue funding Vision Iowa projects.

7.23. We believe that all elected officials must be bound by and subject to the same laws, rules and regulations as the general public.

7.24. We believe that all entities spending public monies must be required to follow generally accepted accounting principles.

7.25. We believe that all mandated programs must be fully funded by the mandating government body.

7.26. We support sunset laws requiring all federal and Iowa agencies to expire automatically after a stated number of years unless renewed by law.

8. Health and Human Services

We believe that healthcare is best provided by the private sector, and that universal or government healthcare will reduce the quality and availability of care. Hospitals, doctors, and other healthcare providers should be accountable to patients' not to politicians, insurance bureaucrats or HMO Administrators. Further, we believe people are healthier, happier and more productive when they have the freedom and responsibility to provide for themselves and their families without government interference. Therefore:

8.1. We support consumer based/non-government solutions to our healthcare needs.

8.2. We support the privatization of Medicare and its prescription benefits.

8.3. We believe HIV/AIDS should be classified as a communicable disease, not a disability, and treated as such under current law.

8.4. We support felony prosecution of any HIV/AIDS carrier who willfully exposes another person.

8.5. We support mandatory reporting of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases by all infected healthcare professionals and support patient access to the results of those tests.

8.6. We support the right of all health care and mortician professionals to have knowledge of the AIDS/HIV status of patients prior to providing services.

8.7. We support the realignment of the allocation and reimbursement of Medicare. Reimbursements to Iowa should be fair.

8.8. We believe that to be eligible for social security retirement benefits one must have paid in, or be the spouse of one who has paid in, for a minimum of 40 quarters, and must be a legal citizen of the United States.

8.9. We encourage innovation in the treatment of diseases at the research and bedside levels, as well as encourage continued American investment in pioneering science that will result in better treatments to prevent and lessen the toll of chronic disease.

8.10. We believe our health care system should refocus on keeping people healthier through disease prevention and care management, and encourage self-management and prevention.

8.11. We believe health care providers should be able to offer reduced billing rates to the poor, uninsured or under-insured without facing sanctions for billing fraud from insurance companies or the government. Health insurance companies and Medicare/Medicaid should not receive discounts that the uninsured private citizens are unable to access.

9. Immigration and Homeland Security

We believe that Congress should establish an immigration policy that furthers the cultural, social, and economic interests of the United States, and that a sound immigration policy coupled with vigorous enforcement of immigration laws is essential to securing our homeland.

9.1. We believe only United States citizens or legal immigrants are entitled to constitutional protections or government services.

9.2. We support empowering local and state governments in cooperation with federal agencies in identifying and processing illegal immigrants.

9.3. We call for English to be designated as the official language of the United States.

9.4. We believe English should be the official language of both the State of Iowa and the federal governments.

9.5. We propose heavy monetary fines against employers and businesses that willfully hire illegal immigrants. We propose criminal penalties for repeat offenders and willful non-compliance.

9.6. We support an increase in the number of visas for highly educated immigrants or those with special skills.

9.7. Illegal immigrants who commit felonies should be deported.

9.8. There should be a transient worker visa program making it easier for law enforcement to identify legal workers in the United States.

9.9. We insist that the Iowa Legislature follow the lead of the state of Oklahoma which adopted Oklahoma House Bill 1804 which addresses the illegal alien problems dealing with identity theft, terminates public assistance benefits to illegal aliens, empowers state and local police to enforce federal immigration laws, and punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.

9.10. We call on the Iowa Legislature to enact legislation similar to that of the Legal Arizona Workers' Act.

9.11. We support the use of the EVerify verification system to confirm immigration status.

9.12. We support building a fence to protect the United States' borders from illegal immigrants.

9.13. We call for the immediate pardon of border agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean and any other border agents wrongly imprisoned while protecting our United States borders.

9.14. We assert that the Constitution of the United States grants birthright Citizenship only to those children born to a parent or parents who are citizens of the United States and not to those children of visiting foreigners, those here on work visas, or illegal aliens.

9.15. We are opposed to sanctuary cities and/or states, and they should not receive federal funding.

9.16. We believe the census at the end of each decade, which is used to determine representation according to population, should be used only for the reapportionment of current citizens and legal immigrants.

9.17. We believe there should be a death penalty for someone caught and convicted of carrying out a terrorist attack on U.S. soil where there was a death or the intent to cause death.

9.18. We support Section 287(g), Delegation of Immigration Authority under the Immigration and Nationality Act, a joint effort between local, state, and federal agencies to enforce existing laws.

9.19. We oppose driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.

9.20. We oppose any and all nationally based I.D. systems and call for an immediate repeal of the Real I.D. Act.

9.21. We support a legal test case asserting an interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that children born to illegal immigrants do not automatically become United States Citizens.

9.22. We support the continued use of Guantanamo Prison as long as needed.

10. Law and Justice

We believe justice is grounded in personal rights in balance with public safety. We believe the role of government is to uphold the law and maintain order, to protect the innocent, resolve disputes and punish crime. We support fundamental tort reform to reduce lawsuit abuse.

10.1. We assert that the Constitution of the United States of America is the highest law of the land and cannot be superceded by any international law, treaty or agreement.

10.2. We believe the language in the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence is as relevant today as when it was penned. Any attempts to revise or deviate from the original intent of said documents must be vigorously opposed.

10.3. We support a parental rights amendment to the United States Constitution stating that parents have the right to direct the upbringing and education of their children.

10.4. We support the current wording of the Pledge of Allegiance.

10.5. Eminent domain should be used solely for public use with the burden of proof upon those attempting to take property; therefore we support legislation preventing the seizure of private property for economic development purposes.

10.6. We reject the efforts of the Iowa District Courts to redefine marriage in the state of Iowa by granting a divorce to two females who were granted a civil union in the state of Vermont. The court lacked authority to recognize such a relationship because Iowa Code Section 595.2(1) defines that only marriage between a male and a female is valid. We censure Judge Jeffrey Neary of the Woodbury County District Court for his attempt to legislate by judicial fiat.

10.7. We strongly believe in the Second Amendment, which guarantees individuals the right to keep and bear arms without government intervention.

10.8. We support right to carry laws and a shall issue permit system with national reciprocity among states to all legally qualified applicants.

10.9. We support the repeal of state and federal hate crimes legislation, since it is an attempt to criminalize the perceived thoughts and/or beliefs of persons rather than obtain justice based on action(s) alone.

10.10. We support reinstating the death penalty in Iowa.

10.11. We support federal legislation to make cyber terrorism a federal felony.

10.12. We support enforcement of existing federal, state and local obscenity and pornography laws.

10.13. We support more stringent sex offender laws.

10.14. Non-profit religious organizations should not be subject to the anti-bullying bill.

10.15. We strongly oppose Governor Culver's Bully Bill and will endeavor to reverse and eliminate this piece of legislation.

10.16. We support repealing Governor Vilsack's executive order allowing restoration of felons' right to vote without due process.

10.17. We support requiring individuals, including juveniles, to make restitution for their crimes.

10.18. We support tort reform and a cap on punitive damages.

10.19. We believe public school buildings should not restrict possession of firearms for those legally possessing a concealed carry permit.

11. National Defense/Foreign Policy

We believe in our Party's long standing commitment to a strong national defense and support the President's use of military force to protect and defend the United States and our allies against any enemy. We believe our foreign and domestic policies must be based upon our strategic national interests and must always jealously guard our nation's sovereignty.

11.1. We believe the best way to support our military men and women is to support the mission of the troops in the war on terror and the full prosecution of the war until our goals are achieved. We support achieving success in the war against terrorism and radical Islamic fascism.

11.2. We believe the United States should not and cannot negotiate with terrorist organizations.

11.3. We believe terrorism is a national security issue and not a law enforcement problem.

11.4. We urge continued economic and military support for our ally, Israel.

11.5. We believe the United States should never sacrifice its sovereignty or relinquish control of its soil to the United Nations or any other international body.

11.6. We call for the United States' immediate withdrawal from the United Nations and the removal of the United Nations from the United States.

11.7. We believe the United States must not participate in the formation of a North American Union.

11.8. We support international efforts to end genocide throughout the world.

11.9. We support the abolition of the Department of Homeland Security. We support the restructuring of federal agencies to ensure coordination on matters of international and domestic terrorism.

11.10. Congress shall pass no law or enter into any treaty that would infringe on the sovereignty of the United States. We are opposed to the NAFTA Super-Highway and the Law of the Sea Treaty.

11.11. We proudly commend our Veterans for their vital service to our nation. We further assert that their great sacrifices must never be forgotten.

11.12. We support better pay and benefits for our military, veterans, and their families.

11.13. Republicans honor the service and sacrifice of our current and past veterans. We also express support for our country's veterans and veteran's issues, including housing, access to health care services including mental health care, employment, emergency financial assistance and honoring the fallen. Further, we urge our city, county, state and federal governments, and veteran's service organizations to provide all possible assistance to our veterans. Specifically, there must be adequate funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs and other veterans initiatives.

11.14. We support the Terrorist Surveillance Program to intercept communications between terrorists in other countries and individuals in the United States.

11.15. We support the right of military recruiters to be free from harassment and harm. We support military recruiters having access to government schools and institutions.

11.16. We believe that securing our ports, transportation network, and infrastructure from terrorism must be a national security priority.

11.17. We believe the Medal of Honor recipients should be exempt from state and federal income taxes. They have paid their dues.

11.18. We support the State of Iowa in enforcing federal laws protecting former jobs for returning National Guard and reservists. The jobs would be at previous pay and seniority.

12. Natural Resources/Environment

We believe we must be responsible stewards of our national resources and environment. Our policies should reflect that stewardship and protect our national sovereignty and private property rights. We must adopt a common sense approach that takes into consideration the environmental and economic impact. We must continue to encourage waste reduction and recycling and encourage soil, water and wildlife conservation practices. Therefore:

12.1. We should maintain an environmental policy that protects the right of humans before all other species.

12.2. We support long term goals geared toward increasing the pheasant population and continued support for current fish and wildlife re-stocking programs.

12.3. We oppose attempts to eliminate hunting and trapping of wild game.

12.4. We encourage various methods of reducing the overpopulation of deer and turkey including longer seasons.

12.5. We believe the United States must make necessary changes to current existing laws, code, or regulations in order to allow responsible exploration, mining and production of domestic oil and coal resources.

12.6. We believe the United States should encourage development of alternative energy resources with the ultimate goal of becoming self-sufficient.

12.7. We oppose entering into any international environmental treaties.

12.8. Firearms training completed by any member of the United States Military shall be a suitable substitute for a hunter safety class and shall qualify any citizen for a hunter license.

12.9. We are highly skeptical of the scientific claims regarding Global Warming and demand that any government actions taken in regards to them must be based upon sound scientific evidence.

12.10. We support the preeminence of personal property, economic prosperity and freedom of property owners to manage their property above the protection of wildlife that is not endangered.

13. Taxes and Spending

We believe the purpose of taxation is to fund only the constitutionally authorized functions of government. We call for an end to all unconstitutional expenditures of public monies and for dramatic tax cuts at federal and state levels. Therefore:

13.1. We support a balanced budget at state and federal levels through significant cuts in spending and taxes.

13.2. We assert that significant spending and tax cuts will produce substantial economic growth and increased government revenue.

13.3. We call for the United States Congress to make permanent the Bush tax cuts and repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax.

13.4. We support the repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, the elimination of the IRS, and replacing all federal income taxes with a fairer tax system.

13.5. We call for the responsible phasing-out over a four-year period of all federal non-enumerated departments, programs, regulations, and expenditures that are not expressly authorized by the United States Constitution.

13.6. We support the ability of Iowans to fully deduct the amount they pay in federal income taxes on their Iowa Income Tax Return.

13.7. We support the passage of the Peoples' Right to Vote Amendment to the Iowa Constitution, which would require a vote of the people to ratify tax increases.

13.8. Tax and fee revenues collected for specific purpose must be used for the purposes for which collected.

13.9. We support zero base budgeting.

13.10. We support the elimination of taxation of social security and pension benefits.

13.11. We support the permanent elimination of the estate, gift, and inheritance taxes, while retaining the step-up in basis to fair market value on the assets in a descendant's estate.

13.12. We oppose governmental funding of advocacy groups such as Planned Parenthood, AARP, ACLU and other citizen groups.

13.13. We oppose government taxation of Internet commerce.

13.14. We believe that earmarks must be eliminated and a transparent system created for Federal spending in Congressional districts requiring a vote by the full Congress.

13.15. We support balancing the federal budget and paying down the national debt.

13.16. We oppose any tax increase on alcohol and cigarettes.

13.17. We believe commercial sports, entertainment, and the arts should be funded by users and voluntary donors, not by tax dollars.

13.18. We support the repeal of efforts to take away Iowans' right to vote on our local option sales tax (SILO) and replace it with a permanent statewide sales tax increase which puts school infrastructure funds at great risk of being raided by state government and expands taxation of Iowa small businesses.

14. Commendations

We, the Republican Party of Iowa, hereby commend the dedication and hard work of each of our Republican elected leaders:

14.1. President George W. Bush

14.2. Presidential Candidate, Senator John McCain

14.3. U.S. Senator Charles Grassley

14.4. U.S. Representative Steve King, Fifth Congressional District

14.5. U.S. Representative Tom Latham, Fourth Congressional District

14.6. Bill Northey, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture

14.7. David Vaudt, Iowa State Auditor


2008 Iowa GOP State Convention Tabloid. PDF File on Republican Party of Iowa website

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